Prepping CrossFit Maplewood space.

We have been working hard at making the new space shine.  It’s starting to clean up and we will have the floors and pull-up rack  installed by Wednesday.  Starting March 1st we will have all classes in the 6 West Parker building..aka CrossFit Maplewood.  Our first class there will be either the Friday night Games WOD or the Saturday 9am class…

The CrossFit Games Open WOD announcement is at 8pm EST — Thursday night.  Therefore, we will do the CrossFit Games Open WOD’s on Friday night from 6:30pm to 9pm. And the Saturday 9am class will be designated the alternate Games WOD time.


February Challenge

2-min AMRAP c2b or 4 min AMRAP burpee’s?


7 rounds for time of:
52kg Power clean x 15 reps
35 Sit-ups

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