13095764_10153678028664007_4189636784855276761_n.jpgWarm up:
With a partner and a medball 10#/8#, perform 10 reps of each:
Chest Passes
Overhead Passes
Side Tosses
Squat then pass to partner
Throw to partner, do a Burpee

Mobility: Bands

Strict press: 12 mins to find 1RM

Prep 3 rds:
3 push press
3 T2B
3 Thrusters
*increase load each rd working up to WOD weight

EMOM for as long as possible (until you cannot complete movements in allotted minute)
5 Push press 35kg/ 25kg
6 T2B
7 Thrusters 35kg/ 25kg

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